venerdì 5 febbraio 2016

1st Practice at the Arboretum

1st Practice at the Arboretum

A camera is a device that can only focus its lens at a single point, but there will be an area that stretches in front of and behind this focus point that still appears sharp.
Depth of field. It’s not a fixed distance, it changes in size and can be described as either ‘shallow’ (where only a narrow zone appears sharp) or deep (where more of the picture appears sharp).
Wide or large apertures correspond with the small f-stop numbers available on the camera. Therefore an aperture of f/2.8 is wide, while an aperture of f/22 is small. Focusing distance plays a part on the overall effect, with wide apertures offering considerably more depth of field when focused on a subject far away than they do when focused on a subject that’s close to the lens.
However, changing the focusing distance is often the least convenient way to control depth of field , it’s much easier to simply select an alternative aperture setting.
We went out as a class to make a first photographic practice, the main purpose was to practice on the depth of field; I also used this time to photograph everything that was interesting to me, and tried to get some black and white shots.


I had opportunity to meet this man while i was in the park, he allowed me to take some shots of him. I do like the idea of the shot taken but the final result does not convince me in terms of composition and light.

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