Pop Art
Pop Art is a term often used to mean the abbreviation of
Popular Art, a cultural and artistic movement born mainly in
Britain and the United States in the late fifties in the twentieth century. The spread of this movement takes place especially in the
sixties, the years of economic boom, the extreme consumerism above all the
years of protests and revolutions of students across the world.

On the side we can see a famous artist Andy Warhol dedicated
to actress Liz Taylor in 1963.
The artists of the Pop Art using these objects or common
products to represent them outside of their usual context.In fact the object is isolated or large and, therefore, becomes protagonist of the work of art . In
this way a simple object,created only for the purpose of being consumed , can
express different feelings and emotions, is seen with a different eye from the
careful observer and therefore the art through what approaches to everyday
Many artists of the Pop Art in their works through these
common objects, ironically try to protest and denounce the society they live
in, where we witness the invasion of the mass media, advertising, industry and
then everything else that leads to this.
Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns realised the first
"combine-painting", paintings made by combining different materials
and symbolic objects of mass society.
The most popular and famous artists who have done a great
movement of Pop Art and widespread cultural movement, social and artistic
world, are particularly Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg and Jimi
The protagonists of the works of Andy Warhol are the
commercial products of mass consumption or the most popular images, such as
detergents, canned soups, bottled drinks, portraits of movie stars and show
business. The technique used by Warhol is almost always the photographic magnification
and screen printed on canvas; only the artist stretches the synthetic color on
the substrate in some cases. By repeating the same image Warhol deprives it of
any aesthetic and moral significance and denounced the degradation of American
Below we can see another work of Andy Warhol Campbell's Soup Cans
titled 1962, acrylic on canvas.
The most famous works by Roy Lichtenstein is instead based
on the comics, which in those years are becoming increasingly popular and beds
for many young people. The artist enlarges a sticker normal and then isolates
it from its context. Then meticulously reproduces the "screen"
typeface, drawing by hand all the characteristic colorful dots, and uses a
thick contour line. In this way an image created for a popular use, because it
is destined to be reproduced in millions of copies becomes unique and therefore
acquires a great artistic value.
Below we can see one of these works by Roy Lichtenstein Pop
titled Girl with tear III.
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